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History of school

    SJAS belongs to the Coptic Orthodox Church. Founded in 2004-2005 with 45 students in three classes. Growth was a major challenge due to the wide range of competitiveness among American Schools. SJAS offers less school fees than competitors in the same filed. A margin from the income is invested in completing construction and landscaping work around all premises. In spite of the obligation of the church to support the school in case of any essential demands, the school is organized to cover its expenses, liabilities and demands due to its explicit growth.

    Picture from El-Keraza Magazine (Issues 37, 38) Friday 3rd December 2004


    SJAS has two highlighted improvements one of which is the installation of solar panels on campus rooftops in August 2020, which will help a great deal in stabilizing the electricity during school days. Solar panels will be in use in two months time.

    The other highlighted improvement is integrating technology-based Science and SS Eng curriculums for Grades 4 till 12.

    This year students are being instructed in the four core subjects (English language, Mathematics, Science, English Social Studies) from the latest technology-based editions, depending on e-learning practice together with classroom instruction.

Latest News

    Award 2013-2014

    SJAS was awarded a new gratitude certificate in 2013-2014 from the Sherouk Department of Education for our co in upgrading the department in all aspects.

  • The Student of the Month Award Certificate (SOM) was established in 2010 as a new mean of recognition for intellectual students and act as role model to others, representing good behavior as their main approach. .

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  • Measure of Academic Progress (MAP): MAP tests covered from Grade 1 to 10 in three subjects English (Comprehension & Language Usage), Math and Science. These tests are designed to offer a comprehensive yet simplistic way of identifying the points of strengths and weeknesses in students' educational process as a part of their ongoing data collection and improvement.

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  • SJAS was awarded the first position in the external district comptition of "Samya abo tera" which was held at the Canedian school .

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  • Vision Statment

    SJAS aims to empower students to demonstrate the value of quality education, develop personal, academic, and digital learning skills to become life-long learners.

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    Special Awards

    Well-earned motivating awards are eligibly granted to our precious students who illustrate outstanding skills and constant academic progress.

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  • SJAS Activities

    Music Team:

    Year after year SJAS seeks to point out gifted students under the objective of "all kids have the right to sing�all kids have the right to play instruments". This year our team sought to teach children a more variety of musical instruments such as the flute from the woodwinds family, drums, cymbals, triangle, gong, maracas, tambourine, and hand drums from the rhythmic percussion family and xylophone from the melodic percussion family, in addition to guitar from the strings family. Impressive performances are being held on several occasions during the year to share the outcome enjoyment.



    Performers have to be strong and flexible, attentive, fast movers and with high tolerance levels. Our coaches do not pay attention to experience because it is within their duty to bring out the best from our children .

  • Art & Craft:

    Our Art & Craft team aim to expose our children to different kinds of material, colors, tools, even in-house possessions that are fit for creativity.

    Weekly Values:

    As of this new academic year 2022/2023, our beloved students will be introduced every week to a soft skill and a new value that they will learn about, discuss, do some class activities upon, and will be encouraged and motivated to practice all through the week. These themed activity weeks aim at fostering the needed soft skills and values that students need to fully acquire to become proactive successful citizens in their fields of profession and careers in the future. Students will also be motivated to practice this skill during the week since they will help them become proactive successful citizens in their professional careers in the future.