AT SJAS we also teach our students affirmation, adaptability, and conflict management to create and build interpersonal skills within each student which they hold on to and take with them to their future outside school gates. Such skills are character traits which decide how one interacts with others by attitude, habits, emotions, and manners…in other words, they create a unique complete personality. At St. John we try our best to work on developing such life skills within every child and student to help them find new ways of thinking, recognize the impact of their actions and teach them to take responsibility of what they do or say and get rewarded enough for their efforts and determinations. The next phase is to teach our youngsters to take all what they have been developing outside their classrooms and apply all the skills while interacting together during: activities …trips …fundays …projects …events … and fundraising. Students rotate along different kinds of activities to help them discover their artistic capabilities: Field trips help students socialize with decency and ethics. Enjoyable fundays are the needed break every now and then. Projects are creativity time where students compete in presenting the most beautiful and ingenious ideas. This is the time where they practice innovation and novelty. This year we enjoyed many events at school…Flag day, Bake Sale, Thanksgiving, Family day, Earth day, Francophone during which our students brought in new information about each event and shared their personal experiences while talking about the event during the day. And lastly fundraising…Fundraising is the most loved by ALL students… it’s the time when every child brings out the hidden emotions and good will in him, it’s not about raising money, but promoting values with high potential.
Our dear students never stop mesmerizing us with their potential, talents, and achievements. The eleventh graders were asked to write a short story based on certain techniques, the most important of which are the plot, the organization and the descriptive language. Diligently applying these techniques, our students let loose their creativity; and the outcome was outstanding.
Jolavian Shenouda and Sherry Ibrahim are two of our brightest students who never fail to surprise us with their talents in curricular and extracurricular fields. Nevertheless, they were our SAT pioneers this year. Jolavian and Sherry proved beyond doubt that continuous reading inevitably pays off.
We hope you enjoy reading their stories as we all did.
The French geographer, On�sime Reclus, first coined the term Francophonie in 1880 and used it to identify they French speaking countries. For this reason a special celebration is held on March 20th of every year for these countries. The festival takes from a day to a week. In 2010 a census declared 220 million French speakers in 77 countries on five continents.
Le terme francophonie est apparu pour la premi�re fois en 1880, lorsqu�un g�ographe fran�ais qui s�appellait Onesime Reclus l�utilise pour d�signer l�ensemble des pays qui parlent le fran�ais. Chaque ann�e, Le 20 mars, c�est la journ�e mondiale de la francophonie, mais on a quelques pays membres de la francophonie f�tent une semaine ou m�me plus. On estime le nombre des francophones en 2010 plus de 220 millions de locuteurs partout dans le monde en 77 pays dans les cinq continents.
La f�te international de la Francophonie 2015 - 2016:
La f�te international de la Francophonie 2014 - 2015:
This is the second year SJAS celebrates Francophonie. Our students prepared outstanding projects that were exhibited in the playground on Thursday 26 March 2015 under supervision of the French Department.
C�est la deuxi�me ann�e que notre �cole St. John c�l�bre la francophonie . les �l�ves ont pr�par� des beaux projets. On les a expos�s dans la cour de l��cole le jeudi 26 Mars 2015 . cette cermonie a �t� organis�e par la section fran�aise de l��cole .
Upon high school students� request, the school arranged a workshop on Atheism. The workshop was led by a master�s student majoring in Philosophy and took 6 periods on Saturday 11th of March. The presenter conducted interactive discussions covering all possible questions about the existence of God, and replied all questions that students would come up with on the spot.
One of the sensitive topics that some of us face difficulty while discussing with our children different types of ABUSE. The school was very keen in introducing this topic to Kindergarten children till Grade3 students through professionals who were able to grab the interest of each child by singing, sketches, and short stories. The impact of children during the sessions was very informative and encouraging. More sessions will be held for the rest of our classes�
During the visit , the sincere love and care of His Holiness towards everyone ,especially the KG students, was obvious. He entered several classes , talked to the students , and took photos with them . Despite his busy schedule , he shook hands with each & everyone and managed to take photos with all the school staff . Indeed , everyone was overwhelmed by this blessed and special visit which had a tremendous effect on all of us : Administration , Staff and Students .
The Students of SJAS, KG1,KG2,G1,G2 and G3 have done an outstanding job by making colorful artifacts out of pottery . You can imagine watching these tiny creative angels working together to come up with such beautiful ornamental pots .
The yearly calendar sufficiently explains classifications and divisions of the 180 school days (1242 hours per year) into academic terms, holidays, vacations, important events, payment due dates. The school year usually starts by the end of August and ends by the third week of June. The academic year is divided into 2 semesters (each divided into 2 terms) A regular school day starts at 7:40 am, ending at 2:25 pm), one lunch break (11 am � 11:40 am). Weekly holidays are Fridays and Sundays.
Our calendar adds up to 180 days per year divided into 4 terms. Each term is 45 academic days excluding feast days, National holidays, and vacations.
Noted in the Yearly Calendar some non-holiday events as Halloween, Valentine and Mother�s Day. These events are regular school days. In order to indulge some fun humor for the event, students are permitted to organize dish parties in their classrooms with some face painting and games. This transition gives them a break and helps re-change their efforts to the following new school day. On the other hand, the description of the event is announced on the morning broadcasting so that the whole school understands the reason that made that day special. Also ART teachers share in the event by distributing crafts that symbolizes the vent. In addition to the Arts and Crafts activity that is held weekly during which students prepare their own work by themselves.
SJAS is keen to teach all students the meaning of �sharing�, to share what we have, how we feel, share information, and to celebrate success. The bake sale event takes place once every year before Christmas. SJAS makes sure that students understand the value of their donations and the value of their participation in such humane roles. The school organizes this event in advance and announces the dates on which each grade level will participate, how and where participation will take place. Children who wish to share are asked to bring in freshly baked food items, well-rapped, and well-stored. The income of this event is divided on organization upon the request of the children themselves such as 57357 Cancer Treatment Foundation, Magdy Yacoub Heart Foundation in Aswan, Senior Citizen Homes, Brother�s in Lord Homes, and orphanages. The school organizes transportation for representatives from each class, accompanied by a teacher to go to deposit the donated amount in the bank.
2016-2017 :
SJAS plans yearly 3-4 trips varying between educational and entertainment. Field trips help students socially bond with each other and with their teachers to ease up the formality of teacher/student title while maintaining respect and responsibility. Educational suggestions: Zoo, Suzan Mubarak Museum, Cairo Museum, Media Production City, etc.... Entertainment suggestions: Dream Park, Movies, etc�..
Trips 2016-2017 :
Senior trip 2015-2016:
Other trips:
Since the founding of the school, SJAS students are growing to learn that sharing good and bad moments with others is essential for developing self respect and respect to those in need. Each year, by the approach of Christmas, SJAS students are used to visiting other children in orphanages, cancer centers, as well as elderly homes and special needs� institutions. The school assures all parents to involve their sons/daughters in choosing the contents of the gift box to help plant the concept of sharing in their daily attitude.
Charity Activity 2016/2017:
Charity Activity 2015/2016:
Charity Activity 2014/2015:
Not forgetting our brothers and sisters who are in need in the occasion of greeting them a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, SJAS was keen in organizing the annual Bake Sale, offerings collected were divided between several orphanages and care hospitals.
Charity Activity 2013/2014:
Feasts, special occasions, birthdays, calendar events are constantly celebrated to encourage fun hours, reduce stress and lessen tension resulting from regular information intake.
Christmas 2014/2015 :
Each year Santa visits our campus to spread the Christmas spirit around school. Santa spent two days with us, Kindergarten till Grade 4 celebration was on December 23rd while Grades 5 till 12 enjoyed their celebration on December 24th. We enjoyed two new sketches performed by some of our talented students who wrote and directed the plays by themselves under the supervision of their teachers. SJAS Choir was an awesome event that took us all to the deep meaning of Christmas.
Christmas 2013/2014:
Annual Shows are one way to harvest talents, first we explore talented children and youth all year long through rotating classes among different activities, such as sports, scouts, arts and crafts, music, choir, Arabic handwriting, drama and broadcasting, etc, and then we support talents and nurture it by teaching our students new abilities. The yearly annual show is a two way method to enhance credibility and emphasize hard work. Not only we identify gifted students but also it is a good chance to identify creativity of teachers taking responsibility of the event and staff members assisting in turning it to the spotlight of the year. Motivation and appreciation are one way to success, yet persistence and endurance are the other way to occasion to a memorable one.
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